Beyond effectiveness and efficiency, organizations need
Inspiration + Integrity
Meet Joe
Joe "Books" Levy
Strategist for Learning & Organizational Effectiveness
Before becoming Dr. Joseph D. Levy, his high school friends called him "Books". This nickname came from regularly doing homework and pleasure reading while his friends would play games. More desire than discipline, Joe was a high achiever with an avid appetite for learning.
Joe has extended his passion for learning, development, and outcome-oriented success through a career encouraging a learner-centered approach to achieving goals. Leveraging industry and organizational context, his scholarship and work promotes strategic operations, values-based accountability, and data-informed decision-making toward equitable outcomes. Joe loves to showcase his eclectic interests, experience, and enthusiasm to promote quality, justice, and organizational effectiveness in relatable ways.
What Joe Does
Strategy | Guidance | Problem-Solving
Having formal consulting experience in the technology (SaaS) space, higher education, non-profit organizations, and as a coach for the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA), Joe is experienced and comfortable consulting for on data-informed continuous improvement and quality assurance efforts as one-time projects or long-term organizational strategies, or somewhere in between.
Workshops | Activities | How-To
Formats: Comfortable engaging large or small groups with in-person or virtual sessions. Open to conducting recorded sessions.
Topics: Assessment and evaluation; reporting and data-informed action; accreditation and compliance; learning and development (strategy, training facilitation, curriculum design); organizational effectiveness; advancing inclusion and equity efforts; and more! Inquire for additional or custom topics.
Topical | Motivation | Professional Development
Having professional experience with topics others may find boring, mandated, stressful, or generally consider unrelated to their purpose, Joe has honed his style finding ways to engage an audience through enthusiasm, humor, relatable examples, and purposeful messaging to both empower individuals and encourage action.
What Joe Publishes
Collection of peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and white paper publications
Levy, J. D. (2025). Drive for results. In R. Lindbeck & V. Nix (Eds.), Workplace leadership (pp. 223-234). Cognella.
Delgado-Riley, R., Levy, J. D., Rehr, T. I. , Holliday-Millard, P., Boren, S., Kruchen-Spaulding, K. A., Henning, G. W., Brooks Nelson, E., Bureau, D. A., & Milligan, S. (2024). Contributions of leading student affairs assessment associations and organizations. Journal of Student Affairs Inquiry, Improvement, and Impact, 7(1), 57–81. https://doi.org/10.18060/28704
Rehr, T. I., Holliday-Millard, P., Gill, T., Jankowski, N. A., Boren, S., Levy, J. D., & Lovette, S.(2024). Assessment in higher education and student affairs graduate education: Professionalization and its implications. Journal of Student Affairs Inquiry, Improvement, and Impact, 7(1), 82–100. https://doi.org/10.18060/28006
Levy, J. D., & Jankowski, N. A. (2024). Adapting assessment to an evolving and changing higher education landscape. In G. W. Henning, E. M. Bentrim, & K.Yousey-Elsener (Eds.), Coordinating divisional and departmental student affairs assessment (2nd ed., pp. 214-230). Routledge.
Levy, J. D. (2023). Examining motivation to advance assessment actions. Assessment Update, 35(3), 8-9. https://doi.org/10.1002/au.30348.
Levy, J. D.,& Carpenter, C. (2022). Equity considerations in credit for prior learning and beyond. The Evolllution.
Heiser, C. A., & Levy, J. D. (2022). Advancing equity in student affairs through assessment practice. In
Henning, Baker, Jankowski, Lundquist, & Montenegro (Eds), Reframing Assessment to center equity: Theories, models, and practices (pp. 213-233).
Levy, J. D., & Patel, M. (2022). Combatting a compliance mindset by advocating for betterment. The Assessment Review, 3(2).
Levy, J. D. (2022). Transcending terminology can elevate student affairs assessment value. Student Affairs Today, 25(2), 1, 4.
Levy, J. D. (2022). A year in the life of an assessment coordinator: Reporting. The Evolllution.
Levy, J. D. (2022). A year in the life of an assessment coordinator: Data collection. The Evolllution.
Levy, J. D. (2022). A year in the life of an assessment coordinator: Assessment planning. The Evolllution.
Song, L. M., Nix, J. V., & Levy, J. D. (2021). Assessing affective learning outcomes through a meaning-
centered curriculum. Proceedings of the Association for Assessment of Learning inHigher Education (AALHE), June 7-11, 2021 Annual Conference, pp. 15-37.
Levy, J. D. (2021). How to leverage assessment and strategic planning for beneficial by-products. The Evolllution.
Levy, J. D. (2020). Self-Determination Theory and faculty behavior: A quantitative study of faculty leaders' use of assessment evidence. Dissertations. 434.
Levy, J. D. (2020). Measuring prior learning success by leveraging data. The Evolllution.
Costello, T.A., & Levy, J. D. (2019). Supporting the adult learner through prior learning assessment. The Evolllution.
Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Innovation Zone. (2018). Continuous improvement of the substantive change process. Higher Learning Commission. [Primary author]
Levy, J. D., Hess, R. M., & Thomas, A. S. (2018). Student affairs assessment & accreditation: History,
expectations, and implications. The Journal of Student Affairs Inquiry, 4(1).
Levy, J. D., & Heiser, C.A. (2018, March). Inclusive assessment practice (Equity Response). Urbana, IL: University of Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA).
Levy, J. D. (2017). Awareness and strategy necessary for technology. AALHE Intersection, Summer, 3-6.
Levy, J. D. (2017). Remembering the basics. The Journal of Student Affairs Inquiry, 3(Letters to the
Heiser, C. A., Prince, K., Levy, J. D. (2017). Examining critical theory as a framework to advance equity
through student affairs assessment. The Journal of Student Affairs Inquiry, 3(1).
Levy, J. D. (2016). Own it! Assessment is your responsibility. In K. Irland, J. Bhatt, A. Fields, S. De Matteo, & T. Krieglstein (Eds), Tracking is trending: A survival guide to assessment in student affairs (pp. 45-50). Student Affairs Collective.
Levy, J. D. (2013). What if assessment advanced our practice? AFA Essentials, (50).
Levy, J. D. (2013). A catalyst for collaboration. ACUHO-I Talking Stick, 30(6), 20-22, 52.
Levy, J. D. (2013). ABCs of ineffective assessment cultures: Spelling out the wrongs to make right.
Journal of Student Affairs, (22), 35-40.
Levy, J. D., McKelfresh, D. A., & Donovan, J. (2012). A scale for success. ACUHO-I Talking Stick, 29(3), 28-
35, 49.
ACPA Internal Publications. (2012). Professional competency areas for student affairs practitioners: Rubrics for professional development. Washington, D.C.: American College Personnel Association. [Contributing author]
McKelfresh, D. A., & Levy, J. D. (2009). No small measure. ACUHO-I Talking Stick, 27(2), 28-31, 34, 51.
Levy, J. D. (2009). Distance learning: The struggle for satisfaction. Journal of Student Affairs, (18), 27-33.
Levy, J. D. (2008). Ancient Mayan mathematical developments. Baldwin-Wallace College Journal of
Research & Creative Studies, 1(2).
What Joe Blogs
Collection of professional and personal blog posts. Admittedly, Joe shifted attention more to publications versus blogging since 2022, but still great (approachable/engaging) nuggets of wisdom here!
August 7, 2024 · Student Affairs,Results,Transparency,ReportingAssessment of student learning remains one of the most cited areas of concern or need for improvement for higher education institutions across accreditors. Within that space, assessment for student affairs and co-curricular areas is one of the top areas lacking among institutional practices. ...October 3, 2023 · Student Affairs,Results,Transparency,ReportingAssessment of student learning is one of the most cited areas of concern or need for improvement for higher education institutions across accreditors. Within that space, assessment for student affairs and co-curricular areas has been one of the top areas lacking among institutional practices. ...September 21, 2021 · Intentionality,How-To,Student-Centered,ReflectionYou likely have some student learning outcome statements — that is, statements that reflect what skills or knowledge sets you want students to learn as a result of your office or division’s programming. You may have created these statements because someone told you to, because you were...More PostsThe president invited Joe back...
"Joe facilitated two hands-on workshops for faculty that helped coordinate learning outcome articulation and curriculum mapping for all academic programs at Triton College. During his workshops, he provided a strong foundation of knowledge for faculty across academic areas of the college and accelerated our assessment efforts for the year. After hearing his presentations to faculty, the president invited Joe back to speak to the college’s leadership team about advancing and supporting an institutional culture of assessment."
Lauren Kosrow, Ed.D.
Chair, Triton College Library
Chair, Academic Assessment Committee
Triton CollegeI know Joe. He's great.
"Joe Levy visited our college as part of the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) Coach program. NILOA selected him as our coach because of his expertise in Student Affairs assessment as that was a particular area of interest for us. During his one-day visit, he gave tailored presentations to student affairs, academic affairs, and college administration. He met with large and small groups and effectively interacted with students, faculty, and staff. Joe was responsive, organized, and easy to work with through all phases of the process and has continued to serve as a resource for us in the 18 months since his visit. I have recommended both him and the NILOA Coach program in a number of assessment settings and when I do, I frequently hear someone say, 'I know Joe. He's great.' If you are looking for support with assessment, I highly recommend Joe Levy."
Julie Bauer Morrison, Ph.D.
Director, College Assessment & Review Team
Glendale Community College, AZWe left with a better understanding...
"Joe’s work with our faculty and staff provided them with valuable insight on using CAS Standards as a framework for institutional and departmental level assessment. Through his concrete and meaningful examples, we gained new appreciation for the value of both quantitative and qualitative feedback, and we left with a better understanding of how to map our program goals to our institution’s strategic plan."
Debra West, Ph.D.
Arkansas State University Mid-SouthDr. Levy was instrumental...
"Dr. Levy was instrumental in laying the foundational assessment knowledge to successfully launch Oakton Community College's Student Affairs Assessment Program. He also helped the College's assessment team, Oakton's Program for Assessment and Learning, advance its equity in assessment work by facilitating interactive discussions about how to approach disaggregated assessment data with an equity lens."
Ruth Williams
Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dean of Curriculum and Instruction
Oakton Community CollegeOur team loved working with Joe...
"Joe was an amazing partner who brought our idea of creating a system-wide comprehensive co-curricular assessment resource to life! Joe’s deep knowledge and enthusiasm for assessment was contagious and resulted in a renewed appetite among our college and university leaders to revise co-curricular assessment plans and scale assessment practices to all areas of student affairs and enrollment management. The resource that was created continues to serve as a foundational resource for our college and university leadership and has also served as a critical professional development resource for practitioners as they build assessment practices in the design of the programs and services offered to enhance student success. Our team loved working with Joe and we are thankful to have benefitted from his expertise in developing our co-curricular assessment resources."
Paul Shepherd, Ed.D.
System Director for Student Development and Success
Minnesota State System
A no-brainer.
"Joe Levy's selection as one of our keynote speakers for the inaugural Continuous Improvement Summit was a no-brainer. His reputation as a thought leader in data-driven storytelling preceded him, and his expertise in enhancing institutional assessment processes was exactly what we needed.
Following his presentation, the impact was palpable.Attendees were eager to implement Joe's strategies. His insights sparked meaningful conversations and inspired innovative approaches to data collection and analysis. Thanks to Joe's contribution, our summit wasn't just informative;it was transformational, setting the stage for continuous improvement initiatives across the board."
Will Miller, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Continuous Improvement
and Institutional Performance, SACSCOC Liaison
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UniversityJust what we were seeking!
"We invited Joe to be a keynote speaker for our assessment professional development day for faculty and staff. The presentation was engaging and accessible while also informative - just what we were seeking! We received positive feedback from a variety of individuals, including Student Affairs staff, faculty, and senior leaders, about Joe's approach to building a culture of assessment."
Chris Thuot, Ph.D.
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Springfield Technical Community College
A true pleasure working with Dr. Levy...
"We have partnered with Dr. Levy for multiple rounds of assessment presentations to visiting scholars. Feedback for him is best shared from the scholars themselves:
- 'The webinar on assessment was highly informative, presenting a range of assessment methodologies that have the potential to be adapted to the educational framework in Uzbekistan.'
- 'In this webinar, the procedures to be followed to assess student knowledge were clearly explained. From the first step to the last step is fully explained.'
- 'I realized that the presenter is an accomplished expert in this field. In the near future, I will apply what I learned from this webinar to achieve better results in student assessment in the institute where I work.'
- 'Dr. Levy created a highly engaging session, encouraging us to share our thoughts and experiences regarding student assessment. His approach made the content more relatable, and the discussion helped me reflect on the challenges and strategies related to assessment that I have encountered during my time here. The practical advice and the exchange of ideas with other participants made this webinar especially valuable.'
It has been a true pleasure working with Dr. Levy. We arethankful for the time, expertise, and approach he used to engage with our scholars and are looking forward to collaborating again in the future."
Mariam Gogebashvili, Senior Program Manager
Cayla Hantzsch, Senior Program Officer
American Councils for International Education
Contact Joe
If you have thoughts, questions, or just want to connect - please reach out!
© 2021